Opinion Leader welcomes Kinesia, the innovative sportswear brand specialized in the production of high performance socks, 100% Made in Italy.

Opinion Leader is ready to embark on a new communication path with a sportswear brand: Kinesia. Since 2020, the brand of high performance hosiery has been “synonymous” with proprioceptive socks, designed to offer greater performance and balance during sporting activity, as well as reduced recovery times and risk of injury.

Many sports to increase Brand Awareness

The Agency will work alongside Kinesia to raise awareness of the product, with the aim of increasing Brand Awareness and encouraging sell in/out. Among the levers available to the Hybrid Agency are the peculiarities of the sock. Starting, for example, with the numerous disciplines for which it is designed: artistic gymnastics, basketball, football, cycling, outdoor, padel, running, tennis and volleyball.


Press office, PR, Social

To speak to a transversal audience, lovers of active lifestyles of all ages, Opinion Leader will prepare an operational plan that includes a PR and Digital PR strategy. At the center there will be press office activities, on which the Agency has over 35 years of know-how. Influencer marketing operations will also be planned in parallel, relying on a large team of contacts between VIPs, influencers and talent, from the sector and beyond. Finally, the assignment includes the management of the Kinesia social profiles.

A patented fabric, successfully tested, 100% Italian

Kinesia belongs to Feetness Srl, a company founded in 1981, specialized in the design, development and production of technical and compression socks for multiple types of sports. Feetness boasts, in particular, more than thirty years of experience on the American market and the production site is in Travagliato (BS). In just a few years, the Kinesia proprioceptive stocking has received numerous awards from universities and international medical teams. Thanks to the innovative patented ‘Sensory Technology‘ fabric.


Case history in the sector

In Opinion Leader’s rich portfolio there are several case histories of clothing and sportswear brands, from the fashion vocation to the more technical ones aimed at outdoor and sport. With Kinesia, therefore, another page opens for the Hybrid Agency, in the name of innovation, technology and well-being.


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