Opinion Leader supported Super!, a brand of Paramount Italia and client of the agency since 2011, in all the communication activities for the National Day against Bullying.
Opinion Leader has sided with Paramount Italia against bullying on the occasion of 7 February 2024, ‘National Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying‘. The agency has chosen the talent Iris Di Domenico as ambassador of an awareness project called “Be Yourself“, created by the FARE X BENE association.
A day at school
The Stardust House talent was in fact present at the last meeting of the “Be Yourself” project, made up of courses created by psychologists and communication and digital experts, with specific skills, and by members of the FARE X BENE Scientific Committee. Specifically, at the Carla Fracci primary school in Milan, a meeting was held with some students from the third, fourth and fifth classes, and Iris Di Domenico, who participated in the initiative.

Expertise in the “Kids” sector
During the last meeting, 5 video clips were recorded and aired, one a day, from 5 to 10 February on Super! (channel 47 of DTT and Tivùsat and on 625 of Sky) and on the Brand’s social pages. Opinion Leader, Super! and Nickelodeon press office since 2011 (both Paramount entertainment brands dedicated to children and young people), has thus demonstrated its sensitivity and ability to tune in to the “kids” target, finding a talent capable of communicating “inclusive” messages. Partner of the campaign was also Mattel, a world leading company in the toy sector. Mattel holds the property of the Monster High dolls, promoters of an inclusive world and self-acceptance.
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